**** KIDSPIRATION – A shout out to children! ****
I am often intrigued by the amazing things kids say and do. They are such a wonder, don’t you agree?
My kids have been spending a lot more time on their computers. Besides the time spent on their online schooling and turning in their assignments, my older son has been preoccupied with teaching his younger siblings how to code and animate. Of course, they also spend lots of time gaming. As much as their dad and I try to curb them, we are constantly faced with achieving a healthy balance. They have attempted to teach me a couple of times. I confess that I find it amusing and somewhat intimidating at the same time. Recognizing that they were literally born into technology and see the world from a set of lens that vary greater from ours is a challenge we grapple with. Sigh!
Okay, so this day, one of my children asked if I could help pay for something he wanted to purchase online. I said no. He explained that he needed to upgrade his current plan to enable him access some features. My answer remained the same. I wasn’t going to change my mind. He knew that.
He involved his siblings; they all came, begging – puppy faces and all. I wasn’t going to fall for their cute faces. I explained why I couldn’t afford to make such a purchase, in light of all the expenses we had lined up. I tried to educate them about spending your limited resources on priorities and about how to draw up a list in order of preference. I knew they didn’t understand most of what I said; hopefully we would have that conversation again someday in the future.
A few days passed and they all came to meet me (marched, is more like it). Grinning sheepishly. A notebook and pen in hand, they explained how they had decided to start a business. The profits from the business would allow them pay for things like extra data, upgrade some of their current subscription plans and much more.
Sounded great.
What was more astonishing is that they had come up with a list of various businesses they would do and a proposed name for each business type.
I found that really cool and told them so. I was intrigued that they were willing to work to earn money for whatever extra things they felt they needed.
They shared their many ideas, dreams and plans. They even talked about what each phase of the different businesses would be. I listened very attentively. They finally settled with starting a mini baking business as a first phase. Talk about starting with a low hanging fruit. That’s smart! Seeing that their father is an excellent baker (if I may say so myself), they already knew one or two things about baking. They would be called, “The Lil Bakers”, they said.
Now how cool is that! Dope innit?! (Forgive my vocabulary…trying to get my groove on). Lol.
Within days, they had come up with a list of items that they’d bake, pricelists, minimum order size, turnaround time for delivery after an order is placed, a marketing/advert plan, communication strategy, descriptions for each role and job responsibilities for each member of their team and so on. In no time, they had their first customer, then another and yet another. It has been barely two weeks since they first ‘hatched’ the plan. They have definitely hit some brick walls that have helped them realize that things may not always go as you’ve planned. These past few days have also now allowed them to be more appreciative of the things they have. Now that they have started making their own money, they are not so quick to want to spend it. (sshhh…don’t say I told you so). Lol.
I am glad about the experiences that they are garnering.
It is another Children’s Day. I am using this opportunity and medium give a shout out to children; kids, all over the world. They are definitely one-of-a-kind; each one oh so special and unique.
Know that you are very deeply loved and greatly appreciated.
You inspire us in so many ways.
Do something to celebrate them today. So the pandemic has changed our lives in no small way. Before now, a typical children’s day would be one of or a combination of a fun time at a park, attending a children themed event, visiting an orphanage with friends, making a special meal and then taking them out. They usually had the liberty to choose. Now, their choices are limited. Be that as it may, that is far from being a bad thing. Like their decision to come up with a business, I look forward to knowing what fun activity they have planned. I’m guessing it’ll involve baking, painting and probably watching a cartoon/movie together.
Unfortunately, many of us grow up, forgetting what it was like being kids. So yes, kids say the darnest things, act out, have dramatic episodes. So what?! I’d like to think that’s what makes them tick. I challenge us to remember what it’s like - be a kid for one day.
Don’t forget to celebrate our little ones.
Have fun! 🥰
© Nostalgicthots By Boluwatiwi
Photo Credit: The Lil Bakers